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Read the steps
Step 1
Create a triangle sphere. Never made one? Check it out here.
Step 2
Create a pentagon sphere using 5-sided pentagons, but leave one space open. Never made one? Check it out here.
Step 3
Gently place the triangle sphere in the hole in the pentagon sphere.
Step 4
Add 8 Speks to the triangle sphere to create the eyes.
Step 5
Create an hourglass shape by making a hexagon and adding two speks to every other side. Align the two short sides and gently lay it on top of the pentagon sphere.
Step 6
To create the legs, interlock two chains of Speks. Remove one Spek from the middle of one chain to create a kink in the chains. Gently attach to the side of the pentagon sphere and repeat 8 times.
All done!