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Read the steps
Step 1
Pull your first color of speks into a single chain. Fold the chain back on itself every 32 speks to form a 32x8 spek sheet.
Step 2
Repeat step one with a second color.
Step 3
Use your speks splitter card to split each of the sheets into 2x32 spek strips.
Step 4
Align and attach alternating colors of strips into a 16x32 speks sheet.
Step 5
Use your splitter card to remove a 1x16 alternating spek chain.
Step 6
Attach the ends of the chain to form a alternating 16 speks ring. Repeat steps five and six 32 times/
Step 7
Stack each ring, rotating each layer to make your tube. You can align or interlock the layers, but interlocking makes a stronger shape!
The End.
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